50Mhz, VHF/UHF, HF Utility and Military monitoring


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"Port of Gold" Portrush at dusk. Copyright © 2015 McAfee


Hello, my name is Alan.

Amateur radio callsign, GI0OTC .

First licensed as GI8YDZ in 1980, active at one time on all bands 1.8 - 1296.0 Mhz and 10Ghz. I passed my Morse exam January 1991 and upgraded to a Class "A" license GI0OTC; in March of that year. I have been active on 50Mhz since1987, and experienced the "highs and lows" of the MAGIC or some say (TRAGIC) band !

SIX metres has become my all time favourite, occasional visits to HF have always resulted in my returning to 50Mhz.
My other radio interests include building high-power RF power amplifiers (all bands), HV psu's, weak signal VHF/UHF working, and messing about with antennas. I also carry out amateur radio repairs for my friends.

Located on the outskirts of the small seaside town of Portrush, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland. About 30 MASL, and within sight of the North Atlantic Ocean less than 1Km away.
Probably the main reason I have always done pretty well toward North and South America,and the Caribbean regions. There is also an excellent sea path, over the North Pole to the Pacific, I'm still waiting for ZL !!

Further Reading:
Read about the first QSO from Lebanon on SIX Metres between OD5SK and GI0OTC
Description of an average day DX-ing in Cycle 22 by GI0OTC

194 DXCC countries worked (up to Nov 2023), 105 as GI firsts. Also 1197 grid squares worked in 95 large fields and 36 WAZ (Worked All Zones).

Awards: 50 Mhz DXCC and 50 Mhz WAC (Worked all Continents) dated 11/01/90.

The first, 50 Mhz DXCC holder in (GI) N. Ireland, certificate number 70 dated 03/02/92.

VK6 - 50 Mhz distance record holder with VK6RO on 28/02/90 at a distance of 14904.1Kms.

Best DX:
F2 - VK4FF & VK4JH both (QH30) 15382Kms worked on the 01/02/92 between 11:48 - 11:55

Sp E - W5OZI (EM00) 7455Kms.worked during 2000 Es summer season

Aurora/F2 Link - W1JJM (FN41) 4868Kms.worked and heard several others - VE3RM 4743Kms Dec-2000, beaming NE toward the Auroral zone.

My first 50 Mhz gear was a 144/50 transverter from Microwave Modules and a 5 element Tonna antenna. 1988 saw an upturn in band conditions, and that prompted a change of equipment to a brand new, and at the time recently released ICOM IC-575A only 10 watts RF output power. It was also time to upgrade the antenna, so a 6 element was built from an ARRL design.

That set-up has continued in use through Solar Cycle 22 up until early September 1999 when the erection of an Msquared 7 element antenna, model 6M7 was aquired. Also added at the same time was a homebrew mast-head pre-amp (12 db gain, .6db NF) to help over come a long feeder (45 meter) run of Heliax hard-line coaxial cable.

A small homebrew 250 watt 4CX250B PA (to my own design) was added, when the licensing authority increased the RF output limit to 400 watts.
Having obtained a 1Kw 50Mhz experimental license in 2000, my long running construction of a high power amplifier using an EIMAC©™ 4CX1500B power tetrode, is now completed. Again to my own design, but this time utilizing the excellent GM3SEK designed PSU and control boards.

I have operated in 4 previous Solar Cycles - 21 {SWL}, 22, 23, 24 and looking forward to cycle 25, soon approaching (2023).

GI0OTC 2023 Update
Lots of changes have been made in the last 20 plus years. Now retired, but still keeping up with my amateur repair service as required, my fully equipped workshop is always ready for action!

Equipment and antennas have changed, using a small 4 Ele on 6M, and the 4CX1500B is still going .The main 50Mhz station consists of a TS480 for TX, RX uses an SDR with SDR Console, bandpass filter and the same home brew LNA from cycle 22. Most of my recent operating time has been spent using the digital modes, mainly FT8, FT4, Q65 etc.

Good DXing and HF monitoring.

73 Alan

Feedback and questions welcome via gi0otc (at) qsl.net

All images and media Copyright © 2023 GI0OTC